Laingsburg, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Laingsburg is 891, and most of its people are of voting age. The majority of residents are white, and 46.9% of the city's citizens are male. A quarter of the population is over 65, making up 13.6% of the city's population. Those living in Laingsburg are mostly white, and the rest are African American, Asian, Two or More Races, or American Indian. A few residents are Hispanic, however.

The median age of residents in Laingsburg is 33.5 years, and the percentage of people with an educational background of less than six years is 9.4%. One out of every five people in Laingsburg will be below the federal poverty line, so it is crucial to find out the details of your local community's income level. There are many important statistics to consider, including the city's median income.