Kent City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kent City is a little over 42,000 people, with an average household size of 2.9 people. About 73% of Kent residents were born in the U.S., while the rest were foreign born. Among the foreign born, 47.4% were naturalized U.S. citizens, and the remaining 8.7% were over the age of 65. There are two ethnic groups within the city, one being Chinese, and the other one being Hispanic.

There are several demographic changes taking place in Kent, affecting many aspects of the city's human services. The city's aging population is shrinking, while segments are growing faster. The American Community Survey reveals that the minority population in Seattle remains relatively flat, but skyrocketing in the southern suburbs. As a result, people of color left historically low-income neighborhoods in Seattle to live in South King County.

The population of Kent City is significantly younger than the United States as a whole. At 31 years old, the population of the city is 6.2 years younger than the national median age, which is 37.9 years. The median household size is 2.9 people, compared to the average of 2.6 in the US. Despite the younger population, Kent City's residents are still quite young. They are mainly in their twenties or thirties, which is about the same as the US average of 31.5 years old.

The Unified School District of Kent has a total population of 34,265. It has a majority of white people. Only 12.2% of its population is over the age of 65, which is considerably younger than the state average of 19.8%. The largest percentage of people in the district are employed in the health and educational sectors. In addition to being the largest ethnicity in the city, there is also a large population of people of color.