Iron River, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Iron RIVER CITY

The population of Iron River is approximately 4,500. It is the largest village in the county. It has two banks, a daily newspaper, and school facilities. It is accessible by car or bus. There are also several other places of interest in the area. For those who wish to travel to Iron River, the AmericInn Iron River is located at PO Box 308 and Greyhound Bus Lines is located at 40 E Adams St.

The population of Iron River City, Michigan, is 2,825. The city is part of the Iron County, Michigan, United States. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city is located 1,490 feet above sea level. It is in the Eastern Time Zone. For more information on Iron River, visit Wikipedia. Its population has been growing steadily since the 1950s, but the official date of establishment is unknown.