Houghton Lake, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Taking a look at the population and steets of Houghton Lake City, MI, you'll see why it's an attractive place to live. In Houghton, you'll find that the city is generally divided into two areas - East Houghton and Central Houghton. The former includes downtown and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

While the majority of Houghton Lake residents are white, about 1% are black and 0.4% are Hispanic. In general, you'll see that the median household income is $34,418, while the average household income is $45,825 and the highest percentage of the population is high school graduate. Getting an idea of how many residents are Hispanic can help you target local ads and make sure your message is seen by the right audience.

ESRI and Census Bureau have reported that there are less than 30 evictions per 1,000 people in the city. Houghton Lake has more evictions than Howard City and Pinconning, but still far fewer than Pinconning or Howard City. You may also be wondering how much it costs to rent in Houghton Lake. The median gross rent is $544 per month, and it includes utilities.

In Houghton Lake, the median income is $28,816, which is considerably lower than the median household income of $65,712 in the US. In addition, the median household income is still well below the national average. Compared to Michigan's other large cities, Houghton Lake has a lower middle class. Its per capita income is $24,514, which is middle class compared to the rest of the US.