Essexville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can use this page to learn about the population and steets of Essexville City, MI. You will find out what the racial makeup of this city is. The greatest races reported in Essexville are White and Black. Other important ancestry groups are German, Polish, Irish, and English. The language most commonly spoken in Essexville is English, but you may also hear Polish, Italian, or Spanish spoken.

The median household income for the city of Essexville is $51,793 - this is below the median income of $65,712 for the United States. In fact, the median household income has fallen by 0.49% since last year, which is lower than the national average. Nevertheless, the sex-based wage gap in Essexville, MI has widened to show that more males live in the city than females.

When determining the target audience for your business, you can use statistics about the city's ethnic diversity. The majority of people living in Essexville are white, while only 1.2% of the population is black or Asian. Hispanics make up 2.3% of the population. Home ownership is another way to assess your target audience. The median household income in Essexville is $41,054 while the average household income is $57,400. The city has a 79% high school graduation rate.

The official USPS name for this zip code is ESSEXVILLE, MI. This city is part of the Bay City-Flint-Saginaw metro area. There are also parts of this zip code that are located in Bay City and Essexville. The area code for this zip code is 989, which puts it in the Lower Middle Class category. Once you know the zip code for a city in Essexville, you can find out what it is like to live there.