Eckerman, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Eckersman City, Michigan, then you've come to the right place. This article will show you the demographics of this city and how the different races make up the population. This information is based on the US Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey. Please note that this data is updated yearly, so the accuracy of the information should not be guaranteed.

The Crime Grade map in Eckerman shows the safest and most dangerous neighborhoods. It also shows the severity and type of crime. A D grade indicates that the crime rate in Eckerman is higher than the national average. While there are some areas in Eckerman City that are safer than others, you should still be aware of any potential danger. If the area you live in is red, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're at risk of becoming a victim of crime.

Eckerman is a populated place in Chippewa County, Michigan. Its elevation is 774 feet, and it appears on the Eckerman U.S. Geological Survey map. The city is located in the Eastern time zone, and is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. Its current population is 334. You can also find the school districts in Eckerman.