Dansville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This table shows the population & steets in Dansville City, New York. In 2019, the median age for all residents was 39.5. This figure included both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. Foreign-born citizens in Dansville, NY were most likely to be born in the Dominican Republic, China, or Jamaica. In terms of racial or ethnic composition, the majority of residents were White.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median annual income for Dansville, NY residents is $45,000, which is below the average income for the U.S. It is also lower than the average income for residents of neighboring cities and towns. This area also has higher property taxes than the national average, with a median household income of $64,156. In addition, Dansville, NY residents pay higher property taxes than the average American household, with males paying 1.3 times as much as females on average.

According to the Census Bureau, the population of Dansville, NY was 4,59k in 2019. The median property value in Dansville was $87,800. The homeownership rate was 69.6%, and the average commute time was 23.5 minutes. The average household owned two cars. This is slightly lower than the national average, which is 5.5 percent lower. The median household income was $45,000 in Dansville.