Carsonville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following tables provide information on the Population & Steets in Carsonvill City, Georgia. They include information on the racial makeup of the community. The percentage of Carsonville residents who are Hispanic is 2.8%. This percentage is lower than the United States average, but still higher than the national average. In addition, the population of Carsonville is made up of residents of all races.

The population of this city is fewer than a quarter of the total area of Michigan. However, the number of residents who speak English as their first language is considerably higher than the average American. If you want to get the full picture of the population of a town, consider visiting nearby towns. There are several within 100 miles of Carsonville, so if you are looking for a place to stay for a few nights, you can consider visiting one of them.

The crime rate in Carsonville varies according to the area's location. Central Carsonville has a higher crime rate than the rest of the city, while west Carsonville has a lower crime rate. This difference in crime rates is due to the fact that some of the city's crime occurs in shopping and recreation centers, and this might cause the crime rates to appear higher than they actually are. But crime does happen where people congregate, so if you're thinking about moving to Carsonville, consider this information.

The income distribution of Carsonville City is similar to neighboring communities and to the parent communities. 68.9% of Carsonville City's households are owner-occupied, while 32.4% of households rent. The median monthly rent in Carsonville is $725. Additionally, 79.2% of households in the community have an active broadband internet connection. The population in the area is mostly educated, with 78% of residents completing their high school education.