Carney, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Carney City, MD, you've come to the right place. Listed below are statistics regarding this small town located in Washington County. Carney is about 30 miles away from Washington, DC and about 100 miles from Washington City. There are several reasons to visit Carney. Listed below are just a few of them.

If you are thinking of moving to Carney, you've probably come across some statistics. Those statistics are useful in making a decision about the area. First, know the median real estate price in Carney. It is approximately $234,700, which is 20% lower than the Maryland average. Also, look into the Carney home price-to-income ratio to see how much your monthly payments are compared to the median household income. That ratio is 3.8 - considerably lower than the average in Maryland.

Next, see the race makeup of the people in Carney, OK. Carney is made up of 582 White residents, which is the majority. The other races in the area include Blacks, Hispanics, and Two+. 4.35% of the city's population is hispanic. There are 7 different races represented in Carney. Once you know which one you are, you can better understand how to get around the city.

If you're looking for the Carney, OK population, you can use the interactive map to find out where the people live. The population of this town is just over 7 square miles (18 km2). The area is entirely land. The majority of the population is white and American citizens. For those who prefer the traditional Indian cuisine, Carney is one of the better places to eat. The cuisine in Carney is surprisingly delicious.