South Hadley, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've been wondering about the Population & Steets in Southhadley City, Massachusetts, then you've come to the right place. We've done the hard work for you and compiled some statistics that will give you a great idea of how the town compares to its neighbors. Keep reading to discover more about this town! And don't forget to visit the South Hadley Historical Society to learn more about local history!

As far as the ratio of single women to married people is concerned, South Hadley is about average. Only 19% of residents are married and the median household size is 2.8. Holyoke, on the other hand, has a family size of 3.4. While both cities are relatively small, they have similar average household sizes. Below you'll find out how many people live in each of the respective neighborhoods.

As far as population goes, South Hadley is about half the size of Boston. The town has about 8,000 residents, or approximately half the population of Boston. Despite this, South Hadley is home to several refugees and is becoming a popular destination for those seeking a new start. It has also been recognized as one of the safest cities in the United States for those who have been forced to flee wars or other dangers.

If you're interested in visiting South Hadley, MA, then check out the list of nearby towns. These are a useful resource for planning a trip or exploring the area. You can even check out the cities that are within 100 miles of South Hadley. If you're planning a road trip, this list is a great way to see the area and find the perfect vacation destination!