South Carver, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map showing the Population & Steets of South Carver City can help you learn more about the people and neighborhoods in the city. The map also shows which races make up the majority of the population. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. The data also shows the diversity score for South Carver. The majority race for the city is white. The percentage of people of any race in South Carver is 69.4%.

While these maps show the population in the neighborhood, the census data is outdated and incomplete. The current census does not include data from every block. Thus, it may be ten years old and not reflect the most recent statistics. However, you can get the most recent statistics on population and steets of South Carver City by using the GIS maps. The census maps are available from the 2000 Census. You can see information on the age, race, and property ownership.

In the 1960s, the city was divided by Interstate 290, which permanently dividing the city. Harvey Ball, a native of South Carver, introduced the yellow smiley face into American culture. The city has seen a steady increase in immigration in recent years. More than two thousand refugees have been resettled in South Carver in the last decade. The majority of them come from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.