North Andover, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of North Andover City is more than 31 thousand people. This is a city with many nice neighborhoods that are close to Boston and easy to commute to from anywhere. This city has an enviable demographic make-up with over 50 percent females and 49.3% males. In addition to this, the population is relatively safe. It is a bedroom community of the larger Boston area.

Those living in North Andover City will find that their average family size is 3.3. This is a bit smaller than that of Lawrence, but not significantly. The average family size is 14.4% larger in Lawrence. North Andover has more females than males. Those who are unmarried are less likely to live in Lawrence. There are many young professionals in North Andover as well, as it is one of the fastest growing cities in the state of Massachusetts.

If you're interested in a North Andover city map, here are a few facts you should know. First, the city is only 16.9% larger than Massachusetts. Moreover, its size is just three-fourths of the state. It is also home to a large number of people who are foreign-born. While that may seem a lot, this fact is not surprising, since North Andover is relatively small.

The population of North Andover city is 28,352 people. It is located in Essex County and is only twenty-five miles from Boston. Its borders include Lawrence and Andover to the west, Middleton to the east, Boxford to the southeast, and North Reading to the southwest. The city's Old Center is located 3.5 miles southeast of Lawrence's city center. It is located about forty kilometers from Manchester.