Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in BuzzARDS BAY CITY? Find out in this Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, demographics article. In this article, you'll learn how many people live in Buzzards Bay and what the median income is in this area. Also, learn about the city's educational institutions, including Massachusetts Maritime Academy. It's important to note that Buzzards Bay is a relatively small city, and that the median property value per household is $294,700. Its median homeownership rate is 70.6%, and it's very rare to find someone living in a house with more than two cars. Buzzards Bay is home to approximately three thousand people, with a median homeownership rate of 70.6%. The city is also home to two cars per household, and the average

While males make a higher median income than females in this area, the poverty rate is lower than the national average. In addition, the median household income in Buzzards Bay, MA is higher than the national average. The median household income in Buzzards Bay, MA is $75,142 per year. That figure is up 3.64% from last year, and is higher than the U.S. average.

In 2019, the median property value in Buzzards Bay, MA was $294,700, which was 1.23 times higher than the national average. This city has an average household income of $242,900, and a high percentage of people own their homes. The median home value was $299,000 in 2018, and a low percentage of residents live in rent-to-own homes. Moreover, about seventy-six percent of Buzzards Bay, MA residents drive alone to work. Only four percent of residents walked to work.