Westover, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a more accurate look at the city's demographics, check out the Population & Steets in West over City. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Westover City was 10,368 as of the 2010 Census. The median age of residents was 38. There were 16.3% under the age of 18, 11.6% between 18-24, and 26.9% between 25-44. Of the rest, 17.4% were 65 years of age and older. There were also 38.3% of residents who were single. Males outnumbered females by 88.3 to 1, while males outnumbered females by 84.0 to 1 for every 100 residents of age 18 and over.

The Westover City population is comprised of approximately 300 registered voters of voting age. The city is 99.5% white and has a 0.5% Asian population. The median household income in Westover is $39,487. The city has a comparatively low poverty rate of 7.4%, with 12.2% of families living below the city's income limit. There are a few different ways to find out the demographics of the city.

The Crime Grade map for Westover shows which areas of the city are safest, and which areas are dangerous. The map also shows crime rates by severity and type. A city with a B+ grade is considered to be safe. This city is ranked 71st in terms of safety. This means that there are 29% safer cities in the world and 71% are significantly more dangerous. Listed below are the crime rates in Westover City for every thousand residents.