Templeville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Templeville, MD has a population of 132, making it a highly diverse community. Its median property value is $115,600, about 0.481 times less than the national average. The median age is 39.5 years, and the median household income is $34,643. About 75% of the residents of Templeville, MD are Hispanic, with the remaining 4% belonging to another race. In terms of home ownership, Templeville, MD residents are more likely than average to own at least three cars.

Despite being relatively small, Templeville has a lower poverty rate than many cities and towns in the United States. Overall, the city has a low poverty rate, at only 10-13%, which is comparatively lower than many other smaller cities. However, the fact that Templeville is a small city means that the economic conditions are more difficult in a small town. Regardless of its size, there are still many factors to consider when deciding to move to this city.

For example, the assault rate may be higher in the west side of the city than in the southwest. In Templeville, there aren't many places to go shopping, so many crimes occur in stretches of town with few people. This is a distorted reflection of the city's lack of retail space. Because of this, red areas in the assault crime rate map don't necessarily indicate danger for residents.