North Beach, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in North Bay City, MD are a snapshot of the diversity of the area. A snapshot of the community is always useful, but to truly understand the dynamics in the city, consider a few important demographics. Below, you'll find a breakdown of the racial and ethnic make-up of the city. In addition to the total population, you'll also discover how many households own two or more cars.

Several major cities and towns are located within a twenty-four-mile radius of North Beach, MD. While large cities are helpful for booking flights between cities, smaller towns are also convenient for road trips. If you'd like to get a more comprehensive idea of the community, you can use the list of nearby towns. By using these, you can learn more about the area, see where you'd like to live, and plan your next trip!

The population was very diverse. Twenty-nine percent of residents were under the age of eighteen, 14.9% were between 18 and 24, 37.2% were between the ages of twenty-four and forty-four, twenty-four percent were between fifty-four and sixty-four years old, and seven percent were 65 or older. The average household size was 2.51, with an average family size of 2.95.

North Beach is home to about two thousand residents. The population is projected to be 2,066 by 2020, growing at 0.44% per year. It is also home to a wildlife refuge, which supports a variety of native and seasonal species. The population is highly diverse in the City of North Beach, MD. You can find a map of the neighborhood in the links below. So, how does the diversity of residents differ from the surrounding cities?