Grasonville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you visit Grasonville, MD, you might be wondering: What is the population like? In the most recent census, 99.33% of the population is White (non-Hispanic), followed by 477 Black or African American residents and 94 Others. There are a lot of things to learn about the demographics of Grasonville, MD. Here are some key facts about this city.

The median income for Grasonville, MD is $90,227, while the average income for males is $50,317. Grasonville's workforce has a relatively high education level, with 94% of residents having finished high school. Twenty-one percent have completed college or have a bachelor's degree, while just 3% of residents have earned graduate degrees. In addition, the median home value is $749,382 - more than double the national average.

Grasonville is home to around 3,349 residents. Grasonville's median household income is $87,356, which is slightly higher than the national average. Grasonville has a relatively low poverty rate, at only 5.4%, but is lower than many neighboring cities. If you are looking for the most affordable homes in Grasonville, you should check out Niche.

Grasonville is located in eastern-central Maryland, along the Chesapeake Bay. The population is just 40 miles north of Washington, D.C. The city's climate is temperate. The three most comfortable months are September, May, and June. The coldest are January, February, and January. This city is home to numerous businesses, and residents love the lifestyle.