Federalsburg, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population & steets in Federalsburg City, MD? Do you want to know what the average commute time is like in this area? Here are some statistics that will help you make that decision. You can also find out how much the median home in Federalsburg City costs. The median price for homes in Federalsburg is $138,700, and over the past ten years, they have appreciated by 0.3%.

The Federalsburg area is home to three minor league baseball teams: the Athletics, Little A's, and Feds. The city is also home to Robert "Ducky" Detweiler, a former professional baseball player who played for the Boston Braves. In fact, Federalsburg was home to a number of former professional baseball players, including Robert "Ducky" Detweiler, who played for the Boston Braves from 1942 to 1946.

The median household income in Federalsburg is $34,707. The city has a low poverty rate, with only 1% of residents living below the federal poverty level. Federalsburg is one of the most affordable places to live in Maryland. If you are moving to this area, make sure to check out the population & steets in Federalsburg! They're sure to impress you! It's time you made the move!

The population of Federalsburg is made up of 1,045 households. The majority of the households are comprised of married couples, with 37.8% of the population being under the age of 18. One fifth of the households are single, with the female householder accounting for 25. Another fifth of the households are non-families. A further 12% of the population consists of individuals. Federalsburg's median household size is 2.97 people.