Deale, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the population and steets of Deale City? Find out now! If you're like most people, you're probably wondering how many people live in this city. After all, Deale is just like any other town in Maryland - there are many people and businesses in the area. The population of Deale is mostly white (82.5%), followed by a slightly smaller percentage of blacks (4.5%), and a few Hispanics.

The population of Deale, MD is roughly four thousand and a half thousand people live in 794 households. The median property value in Deale is $341,900, which is 1.42 times higher than the national average of $240,500. The homeownership rate in Deale is at 90.9%, which is higher than the national average of 64.8%. Deale residents commute an average of 35 minutes to work each way, and most commute alone. The median car ownership rate is around the national average, with about 2.2 cars per household.