Willimantic, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Willimantic was a vibrant place. Textile mills provided plenty of jobs and there were also numerous retail and wholesale businesses. In addition to textiles, there were also numerous theaters, restaurants, and hotels. The city became a city in 1893. Today, Willimantic is a thriving community with plenty of activities for all ages.

Willimantic was founded by immigrants from Europe who came to work in the mills. Among these were Irish, Italian, Pole, German, French Canadians, and Latvians. Later, Puerto Ricans settled in the city. There are many churches in Willimantic, including several from the same denomination. However, many people choose to worship in one of the churches in Willimantic rather than attending services in another town.

Willimantic, CT has a relatively short commute time to work. It takes only 21 minutes, making it the sixth fastest commute in Connecticut. However, a great many Willimantic residents rely on private automobiles and trucks to get to work. Public transportation is not widely used, however. This means that commuters can expect to save more money than their non-Willimantic neighbors.

While Connecticut is a relatively wealthy state, economic prosperity is not equally spread across the state. Many residents in Willimantic rely on food stamps and other benefits like SNAP to buy groceries. However, in Claymont, households earn just $52,277. This is still significantly higher than the average American household. If Willimantic were an entirely different place, there would be less need for food stamps and SNAP assistance.