Weld, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent census data available shows the population of Weld City, Colorado was 614,057. This is an increase of over 20% from 2000. However, between 1930 and 1940, it dropped. From 2000 to 2010, Weld County grew faster than the State. In 2004, it ranked in the top ten of Colorado counties for population density. It is projected that the population will increase by more than half a million people by 2035.

The county's lands and waters provide the county with a variety of valuable streams and rivers. The Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, St. Vrain, and South Platte are just a few of the rivers found in Weld City. The water resources in this area make irrigation and farmland possible. The county's area is nearly three times larger than Delaware. The census data is updated regularly to reflect any significant changes.

In Weld City, horizontal drilling is becoming the norm. Using pipelines to move crude oil and fresh water to completions results in less overall surface impact. Operators are also grouping horizontal wells on multi-well pads, which reduces their impact on surrounding land and allows for larger individual tank battery locations. In Weld City, fewer operators are building on-site storage tanks in order to reduce the footprint and overall size of the community.

The town's population is quite spread out, with thirty-six percent of its residents under the age of eighteen. Twenty-six percent were aged between 25 and 44. One fifth of households consisted of people who lived alone. Twelve percent were over 65 years old. The average family size was three persons. This is an excellent level of diversity for a town of its size. If you live in Weld City, CO, you will want to consider this town's population when planning a new development project.