Walpole, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following section provides an overview of the population and steets of Walpole City, Massachusetts. While the overall cost of living in the area is slightly higher than the rest of the state, this is primarily due to the local housing market. While the median salary of residents is slightly lower than the national average, the highest cost of living in the area is the cost of housing. Here are some other things to consider when deciding where to live in Walpole.

The economy of Walpole, MA employs approximately 3.14k people. The largest industries are retail trade and professional, scientific, and technical services. The highest-paying industries are finance and insurance and retail trade. The median household income is $94,375. The following table shows the seven races that make up the Walpole population. In terms of racial composition, Native Americans, Blacks, and Whites comprise the largest group living below the poverty line.

The median home value in Walpole, MA is $418,000, nearly double the national average. Homeownership is 72.5%, and the median property value is $418,000 - both well above the national average. The average commute time for residents of Walpole, MA is 41.2 minutes. Two cars per household are the norm. There are 6.2k residents in Walpole, MA. A little over 6% of residents live in poverty.