Searsmont, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Seawrsmont City? What is the city's ethnic makeup? Where are its people from? Which countries are the majority in this city? How many foreign-born residents are there? The city of Searsmont is only one eighth the size of Maine, and its ethnic composition reflects this. This article will explain the demographics of Searsmont.

The city is located at the junction of state routes 3, 131, and 173 and is surrounded by Belmont, Morrill, and Appleton. Part of the city's natural landscape is home to the James Dorso Wildlife Management Area, which is considered an important resource for wildlife. You can find a list of schools in Searsmont on this page. Then, you can find out more about the community by visiting the city's website.

The Census Bureau estimates the population of Searsmont, Maine at 1,645 people and 284 households. The median home value is $161,538. The average household size is 2.37 persons. The population of the city is expected to grow by 6.4% by 2040. There are 1.01 males for every woman. If you're considering relocating to Searsmont, these demographics can help you make the right decision.

The population of Searsmont ME is roughly 1,323 people. This is a 17.9% increase since 2020. The average commute time is 26.1 minutes. The median home value is $223,800 and home appreciation in Searsmont is 4.8%. These statistics are not surprising considering that the city is just three-fourths the size of Maine. Its ethnicity breakdown is similar to the U.S. average, but still slightly different.