Sandy Point, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that there are 111 White residents in Sandy Point, Texas? Its median annual income is $58,000, lower than the national average of $65,712! And it is also lower than its neighboring and parent geographies! This fact should give you pause as you consider the future demographic makeup of Sandy Point, TX. Here is what you need to know about the city's people.

Sandy Point is located in a neighborhood called Friendship. It is part of the Sandy Point City community. This means that it's close to other towns and cities, which makes it ideal for those who commute for work. Sandy Point's average commute time is about 45 minutes. The average commute time in Sandy Point is above average for the entire U.S. population. But this doesn't mean that it's too far off.

The most common response was "No religion, so described." Other responses included "Not stated." And while the majority of people spoke English at home, Punjabi was the second most common. In Sandy Point, only 101 people reported being in the labour force the week before Census night. And only 3.0% of the population was unemployed. So, how many people live in Sandy Point? Approximately 197 people were living in the city in 2010, and the population is expected to reach 238 by 2020.

The neighborhood's population is mainly owner-occupied. The median home price in Sandy Point is $230,638. Its median rent is $994, lower than the national average of 86.8%. There are several historic sites in Sandy Point, as well as many warehouse ruins from the Dutch tobacco trade. If you're interested in moving to Sandy Point, consider renting a home.