Salem Twp, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Salemm Twp City? You may be surprised to learn that Salem Twp City is home to a diverse population. In 1847, there were 29 percent African-American residents. Today, that figure is much higher. You can read more about Salem's history and population in this article. Interested in a specific town or street? Get the latest population and steets data and start exploring Salem Township!

Before the Delaware Memorial Bridge was built, the Lenape lived in Salem County. In 1638, Swedes migrated to the area. They purchased land south of the Delaware River between Elsinboro and Cape May. They built a fort in Elsinboro and a number of other settlements between the Delaware and Salem Rivers. The Dutch took control of the area in 1654.

In 1754, Salem town's population was the largest, with a majority at town meetings. The 1754 census showed that Salem town had a population of 3,462 people: 1629 males, 1710 females, and 123 blacks. The combined population of the two outlying parishes at that time was approximately 1,400. Middle Precinct had more residents than Salem Village Parish.

The Census Bureau has published the latest information on Salem Twp City's demographics and community data. The population was divided into five age groups: under-18, 18-24, 25-44, 45-64, and 65-plus. In addition, there were 12.8% of households consisting of individuals. Three percent of households were comprised of senior citizens. The median age was 38. The median household size was 3.13.