Rockwood, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When deciding where to live in Rockwood, TN, consider a few factors, such as the area's neighborhood and school system. You may also want to consider the neighborhood's schools and whether or not there are daycare centers nearby. While you may not have to worry about these things, you should consider the demographics and community. For example, you might want to find a home near a good school, and you might want to have a nice community to get involved in.

To find out where to live in Rockwood City, you can look at the Crime Grade map. Crime rates are colored by type of crime, and the highest rates are shown in red. The area around Rockwood is considered the most unsafe, while moderately safe neighborhoods are shown in yellow. Rockwood is in the 18th percentile for safety, and 82% of other cities are safer than Rockwood. On the other hand, 18% of other cities are more dangerous than Rockwood, so there is some room for improvement.

The Rockwood community is home to a wide range of nonprofits. Many nonprofit organizations provide health care, daycare, education, and housing services to residents and visitors. Even outsiders are taking notice, such as Portland State University. There are a number of projects that document the lives and stories of Rockwood youth, which involve friendships and relationships. Local governments have invested in new facilities and annual celebrations like Rock the Block.