North Shapleigh, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering a move to North Shapleigh City, Maine, you might be wondering what the demographics of this town are. The following table provides demographic data for the city from the U.S. Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. The city has a population of 2,742 as of 2020, which makes it the second most populous place in the greater Shapleigh area. The population of the city is expected to increase by 74 over that period.

In North Shapleigh City, the population is remarkably low, especially compared to its nearby major cities. The only exception to this rule is the town's few retail establishments, so the assault crime rate per resident is higher than what would be expected. That's because the majority of assaults occur in retail areas, which are generally small blocks with few residents. Hence, red areas on a city's assault crime map may not be as dangerous as they appear to be.

Compared to other cities, North Shapleigh's assault rate is lower than other similar-sized towns. In fact, the city is safer than both the state and national average. You can even use the city's primary name to make it easier to identify its residents. But if you're not sure, you can always start searching by changing the state. You can also consider another name for the town, if it's more convenient for you.