North New Portland, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those who are curious about the population and steets of North New Portland City, Oregon, this article is for you. It includes information on the neighborhood and the city itself. This article will also give you the contact information for city council members. The city has been in existence for over a hundred years, so it is important to know what makes it tick. The following are the basic facts about North New Portland City.

Originally, the neighborhood was predominantly black. The population was twice as high as it is now. The Albina area was the only place where blacks could buy homes. In 1919, the Realty Board of Portland passed a Code of Ethics that prohibited realtors from selling homes to people of color in white neighborhoods. This led to the displacement of whites from this neighborhood, and in 1950, there were 23,000 fewer whites in the area and 7,000 black residents.

The city is a stronghold of the Democratic Party, and its delegation to the Oregon Legislative Assembly is entirely Democratic. The 76th Legislative Assembly first convened in 2011, and the city sends six representatives to the state House of Representatives. The city council members are Rob Nosse (District 42), Tawna Sanchez (District 43), Tina Kotek (District 44), Barbara Smith Warner (District 45), Diego Hernandez (District 47), and David Appel.