Monson, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to relocate to Monson City, you will need to consider the Population & Steets in Monsion City. This article provides an overview of the town's population. You will find the area's median age and the number of households. In Monson City, the population was spread out by age, with 26.7% of households being under 18 years of age. However, the population was spread out more evenly amongst men and women, with a median age of 38 years.

The population of Monson, Massachusetts is 97.7% white, and includes 0.7% black, 0.4% Asian, and 1.4% Hispanic residents. The median household income is $63,894 while the average household income is $73,674. The high school graduation rate is 75% in the Monson area, making it a highly educated community. The percentage of college graduates in Monson is also fairly high, with a 67.8% employment rate.

Monson has three public schools, Quarry Hill Community School for preschool and Granite Valley Middle School for grades one through six. Monson High School serves students in grades seven through twelve. As of the 2017-2018 school year, Monson Public Schools enrolled 929 students. The town's history is rich in diversity, and the residents are proud of it. They enjoy the town's friendly atmosphere and the many local businesses and organizations.

If you're traveling to Monson, MA, it's a good idea to know the distances to the major cities nearby. Monson is just 17 miles from Springfield, 40 miles from Worcester, 78 miles from Boston, and 157 miles from New York City. However, if you have time to travel further, you may wish to visit larger cities nearby. You'll need to book flights between these cities and the town of Monson.