Islesboro, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know what the population and steets of Islesboro City, Maine are, you will need to first check the stats of that city. The population of Islesboro is 562 people and the average commute time is about 26.4 minutes. You can also use the demographics information to find out where people are retiring. This information can be helpful for employment research as well as for identifying areas of the city that have retirees.

There is one thing that many residents of Islesboro City appreciate: proximity to the mainland. Despite being three miles from the mainland, residents can contribute to the economy on the mainland by taking the ferry. Still, some may choose to live on the island and not use the services offered by mainlanders. Fortunately for them, their children attend the Islesboro Central School and their parents both teach at the school.

In terms of population, Islesboro has 46% singles. This is the third highest percentage in the greater Islesboro area, just behind Castine CDP. The median household size is 2.5 people. If you are looking to move to Islesboro, Maine, you might want to consider the many options available. So, be sure to check out the stats before making your final decision. So, what's the population like in Islesboro City?

If you are looking for a place with a simpler lifestyle, look no further than Islesboro. You can live a quiet, simple life with a modern community center. The town has a vibrant cultural arts program and state-of-the-art community center. There is plenty to do in Islesboro for families and friends, whether it is an arts and culture center or a grocery store.