Greenville Junction, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering relocating to Greenville Junction City, Kentucky, you might be wondering: what's the population like? The city's median household income is $53,932, but its cost of living is out of proportion with wages. In fact, the median household income in the city is less than half of the state average. Nonetheless, the low cost of living in Junction City makes it a good candidate for debt consolidation, which can reduce monthly bills and help you achieve debt freedom sooner.

While Greenville Junction does not have its own official census data, demographic information for this city can be obtained from the 2010 U.S. Census. The data is presented in an easy-to-use format and at all summary levels. For those who are concerned about the data's accuracy, this information is available in the form of a table and spreadsheet. You can even get the number of households in the town, including the number of people living in one residence.

For individuals with big ideas, Greenville is a good place to live. Once a thriving tobacco market, the city has turned its attention to technology. From bioscience to robotics, the city's recent breakthroughs in these fields are celebrated with the same enthusiasm as its sports teams. If you are a creative and aspiring artist, Greenville is a great place to live. So if you're considering moving to this area, you'll be glad you did.