Eddington, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The average home value in Eddington, PA is $278,400. This is 1.16 times larger than the national average. Residents between the ages of 25 and 44 earn an average of $81,250 while those between 45 and 64 make an average of $55,889 per year. People living in Eddington, PA drive alone to work, and the median car ownership rate is two cars per household. Although the median home value is slightly higher than the national average, the median income is still significantly lower than the national average.

The median commute time for people in Eddington is 32 minutes, slower than the average for most towns and cities in the state. More than 90% of the population drives or rides a truck to work. However, only 1% of residents in Eddington use public transportation. The next most common way for residents of Eddington to commute is to bike or walk. The population of Eddington is relatively quiet, so if you want to avoid noisy groups or loud college students, you might want to consider other cities in the area.

The median income in Eddington City is $40,250 for a family of four. There are no single households below this threshold, but there are several families with incomes less than the median. Those with lower incomes are more likely to be in poverty than those with higher incomes. For example, 7% of the residents of Eddington, PA work in management. Their average annual income is more than $78K.