Eastbrook, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in a more detailed look at the population and steets in Eastbrook City, Maine, you've come to the right place. We'll walk through the city's demographics and provide you with information on its most notable residents. After all, you're here to learn about your neighbors, right? The population of Eastbrook City, Maine, is currently 416 people, down by 22.9% from its peak in 2000.

If you're interested in knowing where the residents of Eastbrook come from, the information below should provide you with a basic overview of the city. The most common ethnicity in Eastbrook is white, and the percentage of people of color is higher than those in white. Those from other cultures are often characterized by their higher education and higher pay. In fact, Eastbrook's racial makeup is similar to that of neighboring communities.

The demographics of Eastbrook City show that women are younger than men. Those under the age of 18 are 9.5% younger than the median age, while those in the age range of 45 to 64 are 19.3% older. The median age of residents was 38.3 years, and the majority of them were white. The median household income in Eastbrook City was $53,772 in 2020. There were 19.4% of families living below the poverty line, and the median age was 49.2 years.