Cary Plt, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Carry Plt City, Maine, you will want to look at some basic statistics. The population of the city is 183,112 people. However, you may also be interested in other details. The following is a list of other important statistics about the city. You can use this list to find out how much each district of Cary is like.

The population of Cary Plantation is quite diverse, and includes many residents who are under the age of 18. The age range is 18 to 24. The next age range is 25-44 and 45-64. The median age is 43. There are 107.1 males for every 100 females. You should also keep in mind that there are some unorganized areas in the city that are unorganized.

The area of West Raleigh is located along Hillsborough Street and Western Boulevard, and it borders suburban Cary to the west. West Raleigh is home to the North Carolina State University and Meredith College, as well as Pullen Park, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Cameron Village, Lake Johnson, and the North Carolina Museum of Art. The area is served by Western Boulevard, and the city is located near the PNC Arena.