Buxton, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the population and the stats for Buxton City, NC, you are in luck. You can find the details about this city on the Internet. You can search for BUXTON, NC street address and find other information about the city. Also, you can find out the city's ZIP code and state. There are many places to visit in Buxton. Whether you are looking for a hotel or an apartment, we have all the information you need!

Buxton City is a largely Black community, with a large African-American population. During the Civil War, there were few White citizens in Buxton, but Black residents were very much a part of the community. Many of them became doctors, lawyers, and teachers. In 1907, E.A. Carter, the first black graduate of the University of Iowa's College of Medicine, returned to Buxton and worked there as the assistant chief surgeon for Consolidation Coal. Two other notable Buxton residents who achieved prominence in their professions included Samuel Joe Brown and George H. Woodson, both of whom co-founded the National Association for Advancement of Colored People and the Niagara Movement.

In addition to the statistics, the film contains interviews with Dorothy and Elmer Schwieder, who gave detailed explanations of the formation of the town. They also gave tours of their house in Buxton, which was relocated to Oskaloosa in the 1920s. The documentary was narrated by Simon Estes. The documentary is a highly recommended viewing for anyone interested in Buxton, Iowa.