Zachary, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Zachary is the capital of Louisiana, and is both a college town and industrial city. The best months to visit are October, April, and November. The most uncomfortable month is July. Zachary is located about 16 miles north of Baton Rouge. Zachary has a population of 18,417 people.

Zachary has a low poverty rate, with 7.9% of residents living in poverty. According to the US Census, the median household income was $84,795 in 2019. Males had a median household income of $62,920, while females had a median household income of $42,141. The median age of Zachary was 35.1 at the time of the 2000 census. The majority of residents were 18 years of age or older.

The median property value in Zachary, LA was $226,300 in 2020. This is about 0.985 times lower than the national average of $229,800. In Zachary, LA, the majority of residents own their home. This is reflected in the 81.5% homeownership rate. Most people commute alone to work, with an average commute of 27 minutes. The median car ownership in Zachary is two vehicles per household.

In 2010, there were 3,836 households with at least one person in the household. Forty-two percent of these households were made up of married couples, and 15.6% had a female householder without a husband. Twenty-one percent of the households were non-families. In addition, 7.4% of households had an individual living alone.