Wisner, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the Population & Steets in Witsner City look like? Whether you live in Wisner or are just curious, there's plenty of information you can find out about this Louisiana city. You can learn the population and other vital statistics about the city, including its average household income, number of residents, and more. If you're thinking of moving to Wisner City, check out the details about the area in the table below.

The average property tax rate in Wisner, NE is higher than the national average, with the highest property taxes in the 800-1,499 range. As of 2019, 65.7% of Wisner, NE households owned their homes, a decrease from the previous year. Still, the homeownership rate is higher than the national average of 64.1%, and higher than that of the parent and neighboring geographies.

The median age of all residents of Wisner, NE was 34.6. This figure included both native-born residents and immigrants, with the latter being slightly younger than native-born citizens. The median age of foreign-born residents in Wisner was 36. The most common foreign-born birthplaces for Wisner, NE residents are Mexico, Guatemala, and India. A full demographic breakdown is available at our Wisconsin city profile page.

The population of Wisner is around 1,313 people. The median household income in Wisner is $45,052. In terms of race, Wisner is home to 55 Hispanic residents. The city has an estimated 4.38% poverty rate. The median household income in Wisner is about $47,649, compared with the 50-year-old white population. So, you should be happy with the population of Wisner City.