Winnsboro, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Winnsboro City are listed below. They are slightly worse than average. Listed below are the socio-economic characteristics of the city. The median age for residents is 30.5. The median household size is 3.04.

In the city, the population is primarily white, with a small minority of people being African. African-Americans and Sub-Saharan Africans make up the biggest percentages. However, the city has a relatively large proportion of people of African ancestry. This makes Winnsboro an ethnically diverse place. As you might expect, there are several different ethnic groups represented.

The city was incorporated as a town in 1873. In the late 1800s, the area was known as a pine forest. The town's population grew during this time and, in 1902, it became an important shipping center for lumber, cotton, and other agricultural products. By 1914, the city had two weekly newspapers and four banks. Its population grew to over two thousand by that time. The area was so prosperous that it was also a hub for mail, telegraph messages, and trains.

The Winnsboro City population is approximately 10,010. There are 3,594 households in the city. The median home value is $83,110. The average household size is 2.38. The city has a population growth rate of 6.0%. The population of Winnsboro is primarily white, with 5.4% black residents. The city is home to more than seventy-five percent married couples.