Turkey Creek, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to the area, you may want to know the Population & Steets in Turkey - a small city in northeastern Louisiana. You will find that the city is home to a variety of different people, including young people and those who are just starting out in life. In fact, the average age of the residents in Turkey Creek is 38 years old. While this is a relatively high number, it is below the state and national averages.

The crime rate in Turkey Creek is generally lower than the average for Rural areas, but almost half of the population worries about criminal activity. As far as education goes, Turkey Creek is considered a top-performing school district in the state. The school district is highly rated for student achievement, teacher to student ratio, and other factors. In addition, the overall happiness of the residents is considered, which can make living in Turkey Creek a great place to live.

The population of Turkey Creek is just over 300. Most homes are owner-occupied, and the town's only businesses are fast food restaurants and short-term hotels. The main highway through the town, Rippy Road, is lined with modest homes. Rippy Road is named after one of the founding families in the town. You can recognize neighbors from their front porches and they'll always wave back at you.