Talisheek, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to commercial real estate, demographics are essential when looking for investment opportunities. In Talisheek, Louisiana, median gross residential rent is $850, which is lower than the state and national averages. In addition, the city's home value growth rate is higher than the US average of 0.13.

This information is useful when you're trying to plan a trip to Talisheek, LA. It will help you get a feel for the surrounding community. You'll find the following cities nearby Talisheek, LA: There are major cities near Talisheek, LA, and smaller towns within a four-hour drive. When searching for flights, be sure to include the closest airport as it will help you find flights that will take you close to Talisheek.

Crime rates in Talisheek City vary based on crime type and location. In general, the city is considered to be safe in most areas. However, there are some areas in Talisheek that have higher than average crime rates. These areas are often located near recreational areas. Since there are few residents in these areas, crime rates may be higher than they would be elsewhere.

Income levels are important in determining the economic condition of a city. In Talisheek, the median income is N/A, compared to $47,942 for the state and $60,293 for the US. The combined poverty rate in Talisheek is 19.4%, while the national poverty rate is 14.1%.