Many, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Is the Population & Steets of Many City? What Are the Demographics of Many City? The city of New York is home to more than eight million people. There are four main racial groups in New York City: White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander. Here are the percentages of each race and ethnicity. The map below shows the distribution of these groups by neighborhood and zip code.

The 2012 Census reports that there were 183.4 million residents in the 52 largest metropolitan areas. That's almost six times the population of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The census bureau's own population estimates for this city were also wildly different from those of other cities. The New York metro area was home to 20.0 million people, while Grand Rapids had 1.1 million. While a large city like New York may seem large, a smaller community with a lower population density can be just as safe.