Collinston, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those who are curious about the city, below is a list of information pertaining to the Population & Steets in Collinstown City, Louisiana. The population and the number of households are listed for this Louisiana city. In addition to the list of households, this page also features information on schools and museums in Collinstown. You can find details on each location, including its street address, phone number, and website.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Collinston, LA is 239 residents. The median property value was $59,000 in 2018 and the homeownership rate was 56%. In 2018, most residents of Collinston drove alone to work. The average commute time was 24 minutes and people owned 2 cars. There are around 239 residents in Collinstown, LA. The median household income is $18,375.

The median household income in Collinston, LA was $16,828 in 2015. The highest paid job in the city was Manager, followed by Accountant and Clerk. Other occupations also made up the rest of the income spectrum. The most common types of jobs are listed below. Listed below are the top three highest-paying jobs in Collinston, LA. Listed below are the highest-paying industries in the city.