Abita Springs, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the demographics of Abita Springs City, Louisiana, you're not alone. The demographics of Abita Springs are diverse, as is evidenced by the city's population density. Abita Springs is ranked #1 in the state for its population between 50 and 59 years old. Unlike most places in the metro, however, Abita Springs has a low percentage of people over sixty-nine years old. The population density is also relatively low compared to the state or national average.

The city boasts of a variety of cultural events and attractions. Tourists can enjoy activities such as the St. Tammany Parish - Abita Springs Branch Library and the Northshore Art Academy. The Abita Springs Opry is dedicated to promoting Louisiana's musical heritage. It has nearly a dozen churches, representing every denomination. The population of Abita Springs is estimated to be 2,530.

Abita Springs is located in Southeast Louisiana. The city is south of Lake Pontchartrain. The average temperature is forty-two degrees Fahrenheit. The median age of residents in Abita Springs is 44 years old, which is older than the state median of thirty-six years. The city is home to a quality public school system and a low rate of crime. If you're thinking about moving to Abita Springs, make sure you consider this livable community.

The median household income of residents of Abita Springs is $11,390, compared with the national average. In terms of health insurance, 96.5% of Abita Springs, LA residents have coverage through employee plans, Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance. Twenty-one percent of households are non-families, and eight-nine percent of residents are single. The city has an average household size of 2.59 people, which is lower than the average for other American cities.