Webbville, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to find the population of a city, you might want to consider looking up the Census. There are approximately 1,145 people living in Webbville, Kentucky, and 677 households. The median home value is $47,000 and the average household size is 2.51. As far as the workforce is concerned, 31% of people in Webbville hold a college degree or higher, while 43% are employed in blue-collar positions and 26% hold jobs in the service sector.

The map below shows the crime rates for Webbville. According to the FBI, there are 10 crimes committed each year in the city. However, many of these crimes are committed within retail establishments. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the crime rate in an area based on the crime map alone. A red area, however, does not necessarily mean that residents are at risk. It is not uncommon for residents of a city to experience violent crimes.

The population of Webbville City was around 700 when it was incorporated in December 1876. The town's mayor, Benjamin C. Webb, was one of the early residents. A growing business district began to emerge. In addition to the Methodist Episcopal Church, John Webb provided land for a school and a hospital. Other businesses soon followed, including a brick home and a business building.