Lily, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for some interesting facts about Lily City, you have come to the right place. Here you will learn about Population & Steets in Lily City. There are hundreds of buildings in the city and each one has its own role and function. These buildings can be upgraded and rationally arranged to create a stunning metropolis. There are also many buildings that can be used for farming and producing fruits and vegetables for the city.

The population of Lily City is relatively young. The median age is 27. The city had a total of 148 households. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of married couples, while 24.4% had a female householder who was not her husband's wife. Twenty-seven percent of the households were non-families, and 34.1% of all households consisted of single individuals. The population was spread out, with males outnumbering females by nineteen-two-two.