Webber, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information, check out our population and steets in Webber City. We'll go over where to find the most affordable housing in this area, as well as how to avoid being evicted. The population of Webber City is just under 9,000. You'll also find that the cost of living here is much lower than in neighboring cities. This is good news for residents of the area, as it means that you won't have to spend too much of your hard-earned money on rent.

As for the local economy, residents of Weber City live on a steady income. The median gross monthly income is $587. In addition, sixty-four percent of households have access to broadband internet. While this number seems low, it is higher than the state average. The local government has a relatively high employment rate. Moreover, its economy is growing, so it's a great time to buy a home in Weber City.

While the population of Weber City is down 14.4% since the year 2000, the rate of growth for similar-sized cities is much higher. The median household income is $30,150. The poverty rate is a major economic indicator in Webber City. Compared to other cities in Virginia, Weber City is a relatively affordable place to live. You'll find affordable housing in Webber City if you follow the right steps.