South Haven, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of South Haven City, Michigan, you have come to the right place. The data below will give you an overview of the city. Also, you can look up other statistics about this area. The population is about 4,300 people. You can find the average age of residents on this page, which is 47. You can also view the median home value and home appreciation in South Haven City.

South Haven Township is the first municipality to incorporate. The town's first hotel was built in 1853, and it was located at the intersection of Phoenix and Center Streets. This structure later moved a few doors south. Although the building still stands today, it is no longer in use as a hotel. Its population has declined over the years, but it still attracts tourists. Moreover, South Haven Township is the birthplace of the German Evangelical Lutheran Peace Congregation.

The city's early history started as a logging town. In 1833, Judge J.R. Monroe was awarded a land patent, and the first permanent residents arrived in the early 1850s. The city was later turned into a resort town and was often known as the "Catskills of the Midwest". It is also home to the Van Buren State Park, where bicyclists and snowmobilers can enjoy the snowy scenery.