Smolan, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Smolan City is located in Saline County, Kansas, United States. The city has a C1 Census Class Code and does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. The median gross rent in Smolan is $772 per month. Smolan also has the lowest rate of evictions per thousand residents in the United States. As for the population of Smolan, it has a total of 9,039 people.

The population of Smolan is comprised of 176 voters. The majority of them are male; however, one-third of residents are female. The average age is 45.7 years. Smolan is ranked #2 in population among Kansas cities. In terms of median age, the city has a lower population density than most other areas in the metro area. The next-highest population density is in Falun CDP.

The median age was 39 years. The median family income was $43,750. The median age was 37 years old. There were 68.4% married couples. One-fifth of households were non-families. The remaining 19.0% of households were composed of individuals. Finally, 2.5% of residents were over 65. The median household size was 2.76 people and the median family size was three.