Scammon, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Scammon City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. Here are some statistics to help you decide if Scammon is a good fit for your family. In addition to statistics about the population, we've compiled a list of things to do in Scammon. Get started today by filling out our online form and learning about your neighborhood.

Demographics of Scammon City, Kansas are available from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. In Scammon, the median age is 36.0, while the highest is 44.5. You can compare these numbers to the demographics of other communities in Kansas. See how Scammon compares to Columbus for its age groups. See how the population is changing from one year to the next.

Crime statistics are often inflated, because people visiting Scammon don't live in these areas. Many crimes take place in blocks with few people. Therefore, a high violent crime rate does not necessarily mean that Scammon residents are in danger. Those who live in these neighborhoods may be at risk for crime. If you're thinking about moving to Scammon, Kansas, you'll want to consider the population and steets statistics.

Scammon's percentage of citizens born outside of the United States is higher than other cities. It is the highest amongst the cities in the greater Scammon area. It is the second highest percent of foreign-born population, compared to the state of Kansas. The median gross rent in Scammon is $675 a month. You'll be glad you did. This data will help you decide if Scammon is a good fit for your family.