Prairie Vlg, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Prairie Village, Kansas. The city is part of the Kansas City, Missouri, Metropolitan Area. The population was 22,957 at the 2020 census. Find out what you should know about this community before you move there. You'll find helpful information on local businesses, schools, and other points of interest in Prairie Village. And don't forget to check out our local classified ads for the most up-to-date information.

If you're looking to buy a home in Prairie Village, it's important to know the population and steets. This city's median household income is $139,000, and its median home value is $398,000. The median rent is $1,234, and its population is just over 21,000 people. If you're looking for a home in Prairie Village, there are many options to choose from.

In addition to its steets and population, Prairie Village has many public parks and plazas. This city's police department is notorious for giving out DUI charges and is known for its disproportionate number of traffic violations. It's a nice place to live, but make sure to check the laws before you make any big decisions. If you're looking for a home in Prairie Village, contact the local realtor today for more information.